
The notion of street children may elicit pity as an instant reaction for many whose perception of this existential narrative revolves around abandonment, abuse, and, probably, exploitation; not to mention any combination of all these. I wondered about the authenticity and accuracy of the many versions of such a narrative, and decided to follow a few boys selling a culturally unique product on the streets of my beloved city of Tehran. My immediate impression dispelled what is widely presented by, for example, so-called photojournalism. For this reason, I decided to videograph what I interpreted as boys cheerfully and happily going about their lives in the face of how most considering such a difficult situation. In Three, which is my first film project, I attempted to exhibit what I interpreted as boys who were not only happy, but full of enthusiasm and ambition.

Cast & Crew

Director: Hamideh Moeinfar
Editor: Keyvan Karimi